Hands of gold embroidery school for ladies and gentlemen

Hands of gold embroidery school for ladies and gentlemen

As a passionate and experienced seamstress I have inaugurated the The Hands of Gold activity to share my experience of stitching on fabric. The Hands of Gold embroidery school for ladies and gentlemen is a place of meetings, which gather different people, men and women, from various backgrounds and professions. They are all linked by common passion to stitch, to meet each other, develop skills, share the experience and what is important to enjoy being a unique individual. We opened a number of different courses: straight stitch lessons for beginners as well as for old stagers, cross stitching course and open lessons without a leader. Open lessons are based on idea to create a cosy space for exchanging and sharing the experiences and skills among all the participants. The auto referential ambition and the egocentric narration is thrown out of the window in order to deal with the current situation that we encounter together. Through The theory of embroidery we are trying to reclaim the language through which we usually use to talk about stitching. It often suffers from a dual exclusion – stitching is shown as an exclusively female activity, more related to nature than culture as well as a traditional craft which have nothing to do with contemporary times. Under the pretext of organizing this cycle, various specialists are invited to mix their professional experiences and knowledge with the embroidery art – craft. The first meeting, that was with Agnieszka Obszańska radio journalist, discussed the sounds and vibrations of the needle piercing through the fabric stretched on the embroidery frame.

The latest information and a schedule of classes can be found at




