Wyhaftuj się/Stitch yourself

Wyhaftuj się/Stitch yourself

Stitch yourself is a project that saves the anger via manual stitching. The operation has an open nature in the form of meetings by the table being spread out across public city areas.
Every passerby now can sit down and stitch their anger. The project will continue up to the point where the stitched words on the fabric will lose their readability.
Over two thousand people from Europe and Asia have stitched themselves on this fabric since 2011 in many languages such as Turkish , Hungarian , Slovak, Czech, German, Polish , French, English, Japanese , Romanian, Slovenian , Greek , Ukrainian , Chinese, Mandarin , Dutch.
Go stitch yourself was accomplished and presented in the form of various projects in Poland and abroad.

read more:

Elżbieta Sala, Not only boys fight. Not only girls embroider 

Sylwia Chutnik, Go stitch yourself!